Contenu du communiqué


Montréal, November 26 2009

Transport 2000 Québec congratulates Premier Charest for his leadership in confronting the challenge of global warming – and his unequivocal commitment to an ambitious target for greenhouse gases reduction – even though the gap is a few points behind what the organisation advocated for  at least 15 years.  In his speech to the Montréal Council on Foreign Relations (CORIM) on November 23, Premier Charest comprehensively showed his understanding of the issue facing all nations and his commitment to promote available solutions.  Transport 2000 Québec shares wholeheartedly his concern over the depth of the problem.  We salute his courage in setting out a clear target for Québec on this subject: a reduction of 20% in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by the year 2020.  A forthcoming action plan could then reinforce this commitment without regrets.

The transport sector is crucial for meeting Premier’s goal.  It accounts for no less than 40% of GHG in Québec, so Mr Charest rightly addressed the key roles public transport (and electrification) must play as part of the solution.  Although 2020 may appear to be in the distant future, Premier Charest appreciates that, given the complexity of the issue and the industrial and social implications in achieving such a change, actions need to be started very soon and certainly within the term of the present government.  New transport infrastructure takes from 5 to 10 years to put in place and 2020 is little more than 10 years away.  And, in addition, there is a need to adopt an approach to planning where public transport solutions are put on an equal footing with more roads and private vehicles.

There is no lack  of important public transport projects that have been proposed, planned and negotiated for years or even decades, but too often results seem to take an eternity.  Some projects could be implemented quickly if the political will were strong.  Bicycle paths are not enough.  Decisions on new metro cars, or more bus priority measures, or on a state of the art transport system for Pie-IX Boulevard have been already on the table for years.  While there are so often delays for public transport projects, the machine promoting road works seems to be well oiled.  Public transport improvements will have to become as much an instictive habit as road works are today.  So, if the Government acts with the conviction the PM  showed last Monday, Transport 2000 Québec can only support his approach totally.


À propos de Transport 2000 Québec

Transport 2000 Québec is a non-governmental organization (NGO), a consumer advocacy group, promoting public transportation and intermodal solutions.  It raises awareness on transport access, sustainable economic development and mobility, energy efficiency and environmental protection.

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Normand Parisien. Transport 2000 Québec. 514-932-8008

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